In his tweet today, the aptly named MOMENTOFTRU drops what we Old School types would call "science."
Ladies, if your feet look like they're throwing up gang signs, you don't need to be in flip flops or sandals. Just saying...Sir Twitalot appreciates the insightful social commentary that momentoftru provides us, like any comedian-philosopher worth their salt, he raises into high relief an issue we have all noticed, but have just accepted. In this case, by likening awkward toes to gang signs, he secures from us a smile, or a Laugh Out Loud as the texting masses say, or a colon-right parenthesis " :) " as the emoticonners are prone to type.
In case you need a more graphic explanation, here are two hyperlinks.
Momentoftru, if you visit his twitter page, you will see, has waxed eloquent on other issues of fashion and behavior, all with the confines of 140 characters.
MomentO'Tru- Sir twitalot salutes you! May your tweets be loud, and your feets be free of gang signs.