Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fave Random Tweet August 4

Fave Random Tweet of August 4th


Glad Clinton was successful. I guess it takes a lying weasel to speak to a lying weasel.

Sir Twitalot is not often focused on the political when it comes to his fave random tweets. Usually the political is either pie-eyed, cynical, fear-filled, or vitriolic and focused on pissing on the supposed opponent.

Rare is the political tweet worthy, in Sir Twitalot's view, of fave-rotism.
It gets caught in the lower and cannot rise to the inspired.

So that is why Sir Twitalot is amused to say that chasegoforth's tweet above is our fave of the day.

The twitterer is commenting on the day's news that former Prez Bill Clinton was able to release the two video reporters from Korean custody. This was a nice moment for the husband of the Secretary of State, as their detention was nutty a la mode, and a la Jong-il.

Then chasegoforth puts the zinger in, equating them both as lying weasels.

Why Sir Twitalot enjoys this is not because Sir T is a Clinton hater. He rather enjoyed Clinton because of the Great Blow Job Farce that made Congress show how many hypocrites it had, and the Blue Dress. It was a simpler time; when people cared about the First Semen and where it landed. It was a time for when our national debate over sexual behavior amongst consenting adults was concerned with adultery, as opposed to the present day debate over same sex consensual loving. It was past the time of interracial sex, in the middle of safe sex attitudes, but not where we will be in 20 years, with alien sex and its multi-pronged debate.

Plus, Clinton and his triangulating team kept the crockpot simmering on many of the things that Republicans started with Reagan and first Bush. He was not some evil liberal.

No, why Sir Twitalot enjoys this tweet is because while Former Clinton may be a lying weasel, to reduce Kim Jong-Il to that name is to remove so many of the horrific things he has done over this lifetime. The genocide he has wreaked upon his own people. The self-aggrandizement of himself as a God who lords over other Koreans. His sexy, nuclear blow-dried hair.

Kim Jong-Il is more than a lying weasel. He is the King of Illegal Pet Ferrets.

And that is the magic of Twitter. The ability to rewrite history, no excuse Sir T, the necessity of rewriting history because you only have 140 characters.

So thank you Chasegoforth, for making Sir Twitalot realize that the political tweet can be done well, and yet also see the limitations in it. (Obviously the limitations of congresspeople tweeting was obvious, but that is another tale.)

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