Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 1

Fave Random Tweet July 1


Men frequently remove excessive body hair, particularly on the chest or back - it makes them feel confident & more sexually attractive!

Oh Sir Twitalot doth enjoy this Tweet from a hair removal clinic in Sydney Australia.

And I doth hope ye, whether hirsute, or balding, do too.

This is the first business (versus individual) that has earned Fave Tweet of the Day, and in order to achieve it, the sales tweet did several things.

First, as a random tweet that appeared on my scroll, the fact that it was about excessive body hair on men, and its removal, was a winner topic. Sir T finds that someone would tweet about this to be amusing.

Second - the fact that it is third person adds a layer of mystery. Who are these men with excessive body hair? Particularly on their chest and back?

Third, the benefits mentioned - including being sexually attractive - synchronize well with the name of this laser clinic "NADS."

Sir Twitalot doesn't know all the slang terms for testicles in Australia, but here in Obamamerica,
the term nads is used to describe gonads...

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