Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Want more followers? Want to use Twitter to make money?

Sir Twitalot is ALWAYS DUBIOUS of claims by internet marketers, who all yell and gesticulate loudly they have some great piece of information or program that will make you live in a yacht with Britney Spears, the kids from Twilight, and your own paparazzi, while drinking champagne while you press CTRL + ALT + DELETE on your former life.

However, Sir Twitalot does like good solid information that can help the Sir AND you
and this is what Sir Twitalot has seen and heard and received from this fine
set of informative tutorials by a Mr. Bill McRea.

He is NOT selling a faux system or scam. Nope.

Just some how-to's on how to build a big list of followers
on twitter that are interested in what you might be selling - whether dog cookies, comic books, atomic bomb defusers, music from your band, information products about investing in North Korea... whatever.

A great beginner's guide
to marketing your business
and yourself on TWITTER.

What you need is a Twitter following of Twitterites that are interested in that, and there are ways to get that big chunk of followers, easily, honestly and quickly. And this is a smooth and easy way to learn.

Check it out on this page
you might find with some

simple easy steps, you can
grow your business
and yourself on TWITTER.

Sir Twitalot says it is worth the cash.

If you have questions about it, hit me, Sir T, up on the blog.

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