Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 31

Fave Random Tweet July 31


"You're a poopy head!" "I hate you!" With Budweiser in their sippy cups, the Summit in the Sandbox begins at noon.

Sir Twitalot applauds Trick_or_Tweet's tweet today in regard to the Race War with Beer Chaser event at the White House.

As Brevity is the Soul of Wit, so is Brevity the Soul of Tweet, and T or T's summation of the discussion with Obama, Gates, Crowley and Biden as toddlers whining and fighting keeps it brief.

But why this works beyond all the other tweets that Sir Twitalot spied today, is that Brevity requires Reduction, and by reducing these grown men into their young child selves, she reduces the conflict to what it was. A boy playing at professor, tired from traveling, made a stink, like a little boy at a sandbox. A boy being a police officer, got annoyed at being yelled at, so he pulled him out of his sandbox and dragged him to his Clubhouse and embarrassed him. Another boy, who is President of the playground, called the Police Boy a Stupid head.

And now they have to have juice and cookies and make up.

And because, thanks to trick-or-tweet, we can now think of this situation reductio ad absurdum she is our fave random tweet of the day!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 30


why's it so difficult to fly to Greenland from NYC?

Sir Twitalot is all about the random tweet, the randomness being part of why he faves a tweet, and jonathansegura's random question, about the issue of traveling to Greenland from the Large Apple, is nicely random. Neither rhetorical, nor fully expecting an answer, is a wonder of wonders. Actually a wonder of exasperations.

Tossed out to the twitaverse. It is a tweet that fulfills our basic conflicts - Man Vs. Travel Agent,
Man Vs. Airlines, Man Vs. Sky Icebergs.

Mr. Segura, we don't know why it is so difficult to fly to Greenland from NYC. I would blame it on the Inuits, or one of the Secret Military Bases, or that the ice sheet is melting and there is less and less of Greenland to land the plane on.

Either way, we applaud you Tweet and label it our Fave Random One of the Day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 29

Fave Random Tweet July 29


Only one more half-hour of Stalin.

Sometimes a tweet is just marvelous for its mere existence.
It can allow for so many meanings to be read into it.

It can create a science fiction scenario.

Imagine this tweet written by someone in 1953 at Stalin's Deathbed.
Somehow they had an iphone sent to them, and they texted this tweet so
we would know the death was occurring.
or they had time travelled themselves to witness his death.
Perhaps the grandson of someone murdered by Stalin who had gone to kill him in revenge.

Or perhaps this is just a modern individual who has a tyrannical nickname
for his boss, and he is alerting his pals that his shift at work is almost over.

Perhaps it is a person with Multiple Personality Disorder
and the personality that is like the genocidal Soviet Leader
is allowed one more half hour before the personality that is more
like Paris Hilton arrives inside their mind and body?

We do not know, but at least liquid_squid knew the amount of time left for Stalin when he or she tweeted this.

Thank you Watery Cephalopod. Keep on Tweeting

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 28

Fave Random Tweet July 28


PUBLIC JERK ANNOUNCEMENT: Whos w/waking up early & knocking on the doors of Jehovah Witnesses 2 get some payback?

Now Sir Twitalot loves him some pranks, and while he is not fond of jerks, this particular jerk, Mr. #500, has some good prank in him. That is why it is our fave random tweet of the day.

Sir T doesn't often think about Jehovah's Witnessi much anymore, they don't frequent the Castle Twitalot much now, but back in the day, he was always amused, confused, and sometimes annoyed by their antics: dressing up like IT workers in a small city in the Midwest, offering comic books of talking wild animals, assuring Sir Twitalot he was going to hell because he wasn't in on the JW secret. Creepy. Like those guys Neo fought in the Matrix.

But a cappucino and a croissant later at a local coffee joint, and Sir Twitalot forgot about them.
Never thought about payback like Jerk500.

But that would be the good idea.
Except those JWs get up really early.
Hard to beat them out of their jammies.
Sir Twitalot suggests we just stay up all night and get their at 3 AM.

But it is a good idea that is clear in 140 characters or less.
Not a lot of good clear ideas - innovative and prankish - are seen in tweets.

So Jerk500, for that, you are Sir Twitalot's Fave Random Tweet of the day.
Tweet on!

Fave Random Tweet July 27


Spasm over, I think. Misery will return in a minute. Sigh.

Ah, the ailments and physical experiences that people share on Twitter - the twinternet is filled with mucus plugs, diarrhea, flus, broken limbs, tumors and the likes.

It is not over-sharing, Sir Twitalot supposes, but a flattening of the medical profession. If doctors are going to remove the wrong organ, or incorrectly prescribe medication, then we need to share our ailments to hear if there are other diagnoses.

Or perhaps it is because of the TV shows like CSI, House, Farrah Fawcett dying on TV, and Plastic Surgery Shows on Cable. We all like to chat about our bodies and their seeming malfunctions.

However, in midst of all these ailments, sometimes a TWEET shines through, like the one by midesfileNegro's here.

We don't know where the "Spasm" is. Or even if it is physical. Could it be just and emotional spasm - a tear in her heart chakra based on the loss of a beloved?

But even if it is physical - the fact that when it is over, MISERY shall return, and so soon, leads us to wonder what the Spasm was covering?

And the SIGH - the acceptance of pain here - like a great character in a Russian Novel who just assumes that suffering is a burden for most in life - leads us on a path with midesfileNegro.

This tweet is not a be-all, end-all tweet.

It is a moment in time, a slipstream tweet; we can hear the pain, hear the sigh, and allow it to move down the big TWEETRIVER, hoping that one day we will hear that Midesfilenegro will be better.

Tweet out the spasm Girl! Unless they are caused by too much tweeting!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 26


just got done jerking off. stuck my finger in my butt for the first time while cumming. i liked it alot!!!

What can Sir Twitalot say?
This is my fave random tweet of the day because it made me laugh.
Because it breaks the narrative storytelling of the tweet similar to how Tarantino worked in his early ouevre. Showing how he arrived at his present moment by revealing the past to then propel us into the future.

We start in the present with Chuckhemry
1 - He got done jerking off.
(Sir T hopes he wiped off before he tweeted.)

2- Flashback into the past - He sticks his finger into his butt while cumming.

3- He leads us into the future. He mentions that he liked it alot. Suggesting that he will be doing it again and again. And hopefully tweeting about it.

In this manner, Chuckhemry rises above the pure pornographic, beyond the exhibitionistic diary, into a tweet that is emotional, deep, mind-expanding.

He causes us all to look at the barriers we put up in our lives, and why, and demands that we become courageous and live beyond the fear.

Sir Twitalot commends you Chuckhemry! Keep on tweeting it and loving it!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 25


Mexican guy walking thru my neighborhood doesn't belong here..its not about race..its about mixing that plaid shirt w/ those plaid shorts

Sir Twitalot's fave random tweet today comes from fashion icon JustMarlon.

Actually, Sir Twitalot doesn't know if JM is a fashion icon but why Sir T faves his tweet is because 1) whi
le it does a classic piece of tweetin' - that of the bagging on other peoples' style, or lack thereof, it also is 2) topical, given our issues with Henry Louis Gates Jr, the policeman, and the President and the media blathering about it. JustMarlon does this by making sure to eliminate the racial undertones or overtones.

JustMarlon's note... between ellipses... that it is not about race is the striped tie over those ooogly plaids!

Sir Twitalot wonders if it had been a Scottish Guy in a kilt, the natural skin tone and personality built for plaids, if JustMarlon would've tweeted the same thing.


Sir Twitalot wonders if JustMarlon lives in a highly fashionable anti-plaid neighborhood, and that is why the plaid non-matcher does not belong there.

We don't know, but we do know that JustMarlon is sensitive to poor dressing, no matter what race or religion, so he is fash-ist, not a racist, just like Sir Twitalot is sensitive to poor tweeting, making me a tweetist.

And that is why we commend JustMarlon for his tweet! What's next for JustMarlon? We think a new cable show -
"What Not to Wear... in my neighborhood!"

Sir Twitalot sings Baby Got Tweet!

Sir Mixalot? Nope, Sir Twitalot.

"Baby Got Tweet"

I like big tweets and I can not lie
You other twitters can't deny
That when a girl types in from an itty bitty cell
And tweetdeck hits and rings it’s bell
You get sprung, wanna shake your mouse
'Cause you notice her 140 filled da house

Deep in the Net she's tweeting
I'm hooked even though it’s fleeting

Oh baby, I wanna tweet wit’cha
And twitpic your picture
My followers tried to warn me
But that tweet you sent makes me horny

Ooh, Rump-o'-tweet-tah!

You say you wanna lick my feet? Ahhh.
You’re a Heater, a Cheetah
you ain't no average tweet-ah!

I've seen office girls bendin’
To hell with facebook friendin’!
She's sweet, in da seat,
She’ll “follow” you right in the street!

I'm tired of tech reviewers
Sayin' flat tweets are right for you

Take any kinda man and ask him that
She gotta tweet big from front to back!

So, Twitters! (Yeah!) Twitters! (Yeah!)
Has your girlfriend got her apps? (Hell yeah!)
Then Tell 'em to tweet ya! Tweet ya!
Shake that healthy Tweet!
Baby got Tweet!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 24

Today's Fave Random Tweet is actually NOT a tweet from one person but
a hash tag


This trendy trending topic is being tweeted by people in da hood filling it up with descriptive images of the life that happens on in some of our "less gated" communities here in the the Dis-united States of America.

While I cannot say I have lived smackdab in da hood, I have spent my time there, in various cities - NYC and LA primarily - and worked there, so I enjoy the tweets that are posting as the tweetsfromdahood are making fun both of the ghettofab attitudes, fashions, and the ridicu-lous situations that happen due to hip-hopcrisy of residents, police, church deacons and the likes. The difference between hispanic and black hoods is also tweeted upon.

To put it bluntly, this shit is funny.
And the fact that the folks posting have a sense of humor about it just makes you laugh

I am not going to make a list of the LOL's - there are TOO MANY.

Every community in the US needs to find their shit funny.
If only I could get my middle class suburban church going neighbors here to poke fun at their minivans, lawns, basketball hoop in every driveway life style. Now that would not make them laugh.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 23


I hate you, no really. You're a 16 year old, idiotic, "punk rock", douchebag. You'll be trapped in this town forever

Sir Twitalot is super happy that SamanthaSaverky is our fave random tweet today.

Because she uses Twitter for one of its magical purposes --- Letting people know who they are and where they stand and where they may of may not be going.


Sure, we see a lot of tweets where people rip on each other, but they usually do it with the "@" symbol and they are replying specifically to some idiotic "punk rock" douchebag. So it becomes more of an internal back and forth between two IPRD's.

But when you just tweet it and let it flow into the Twitterverse, then it's like a spite balloon you let float away.

And yes, we all know that Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged. But sometimes you just need to let it out. And it's fun to let it out with an anonymous tweet.

Samantha knows who she speaks of, but we can only add photos to guess.

You go Samantha. Let the kid know where they are headed. In a world of emo scenesters and people imitating an actual rock moment of over 30 years ago, it is a sad world. The douchebaggery needs to end. And you need new friends.

Tweet on. Sir Twitalot Approves.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

420 in 140 - a good tweeter to follow

Sir Twitalot, for the record, is not a pot smoker. Hasn't been for many years.
But he doesn't mind pot smokers.
They seem like nice sorts.

Certainly nicer than drunks.

Sir T has no problem with what was once called "tea" being decriminalized.

Because it is just a plant. You don't need to process it to make it into something else.
No fermentation etc.
So that leads Sir Twitalot to think it is really funny that we have classified it
as something horrible and made it illegal, etc.

Because if it just grows - and it doesn't need to be made with allergy pills like meth - it means it was probably in the garden of eden even.

And that said, certainly we need our POT TWEETS by those who like POT TREATS.

One of them that Sir Twitalot enjoys is HEMPNEWS from Canada.


Breaking news on HEMP and Medical Marijuana- the 'original' Green Economy -environmental and human friendly-over 25,000 uses incl. food, medicine, fuel, paper...

It's informative and clean and not filled with teenage diatribes about their p's and teachers.

Follow the tweets. They are the ones with the smoke coming off them.

Fave Random Tweet July 22


It burns when u use a clean nostril.

Sir Twitalot understands completely Linduh, perhaps, or maybe not.

This is my fave random tweet of the day because one immediately thinks that Ms. Linduh
is describing some sort of illegal drug use and that may or may not be true.

And that is the joy of the tweet.

What is left unsaid.

Or unsmelled.

Or unsniffed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 21


Que isso ???? Chewbacca!!!??

Sir Twitalot sings the praises of the sweet genius of images on Twitter.

They allow us to share with those who speak Portuguese, and they to share with us.

We can figure out what Angel's two word exclamation-interrogatory means, and we can share the joy in the absurdity of this hirsute artistry shown in the picture.
What the hell? Is this Chewbacca?

All via our fave random tweet of the day.

So give thanks, as Sir T. does, for the Angel_Muller
in which she shares this post Jenny Craig image of Chewbacca,
as he tries to get new roles in Hollywood.

And enjoy this shareback of a baby Chewbacca image on
the link below.


Monday, July 20, 2009

AP Sportswriter reduced to reporting on Tweets!

Retweet? No Tweetpeat!

Sir Twitalot has noticed a rather sad trend in sportswriting these days.

Rather than keen analysis or in-depth interview, we are getting a lot of sports news that includes
the re-typing of athletes' tweets. (Of course they do include the "sic" notices so we know that they actually re-typed versus cut-and-pasted it.)

That is why Sir Twitalot refers to this as a Tweetpeat, versus a retweet. In honor of Pat Riley's ridiculous trademarking that term, Sir Twitalot gives you TWEETPEAT as open source nomenclature.


Should we accept this as all we need to know about the situation from these players? Granted, most have learned to parse their words for the media, but if the media is going to merely re-type tweets, what do we need them for?

Granted there was not enough time for in-depth analysis, but tweetpeating as reporting needs to be questioned.

Twitter - 48 million a month! Kicks Bing's Butt

An interesting article in Advertising Age.


This is not to say that people are spending 48 million a month on Twitter
but that it is the PR value by all the media talking about.


Twitter received almost 3 billion impressions -- 2.73 billion, to be exact -- in the past month, a time period that doesn't even include the frenzied weeks in April in which Oprah and Ellen weighed in on the micro-blogging service. TV contributed to 57% of the PR value, newspapers 37% and magazines 5%. Incidentally, Fox News bested CNN in terms of total PR value delivered by its Twitter mentions, although CNN dropped the name more often.

Fave Random Tweet July 20


I have a monkey stuck in wax-need to get him out; had him out in the sun for 3 days; tried the microwave. Now going to soak him in hot water

Well Sir Twitalot sometimes just gets down on his knees and is grateful to the tweeter when he gets a random tweet like this.


What does Sir Twitalot really need to do to analyze this tweet by rationalbehavio ?

He can just envision it.

One can wonder how you get a monkey, or any simian, stuck in wax, for sure.

And Sir Twitalot can ponder the need for a good pair of clippers to cut the poor withering mammal from the wax.

And sure, we can both imagine the monkey getting fed and watered while in the sun.


Sure, we can understand putting cats in there.
They dry quickly.

But monkeys are made to cook, not be cooked!

Of course, Monkeys also like baths.

And this one shall certainly need one after rationalbehavio is through with him.

But anyone you look at this monkey, Sir Twitalot is grateful to this Homo Twitteriens for providing us with our fave random tweet of July 20!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Elizabeth Taylor - Sore but Intact!

While the title of this blog post could very well be the herald of Acting Legend Elizabeth Taylor's transcendent debut in the San Fernando Valley's Porn Industry - it, sadly, is not.

But it is a global FAVE RANDOM TWEET for the tweeting of Elizabeth Taylor!

It seems Dame Elizabeth has taken to tweeting, and she as just letting us know that she had received some sort of invasive test at the hospital, which occurred during the Michael Jackson Death Race 2009!

If you have forgotten, please remember that E.T. was a bestest friend of Michael. as well as Rock Hudson, and of course Richard Burton, and black horses.


I'm home from the hospital sore, but intact. Of course I'm still grieving for Michael...I always will.

While Sir Twitalot doth appreciate the fact that Dame Elizabeth chose not to participate in the maudlin Staples Center dog and pony show,

I've been asked to speak at the Staples Center. I cannot be part of the public whoopla.

Sir Twitalot is fascinated by the fact that the woman who carried the mantle of cultural icon, serial divorcee, acting talent extraordinaire, Hollywood royalty when there was such a thing, has found herself tweeting!!! And creating a neologism in Whoopla! That is more than hoopla, it is WHOOPLA! And in fact is was, that ceremony opened a case of WHOOP-arse on LA!

And Sir Twitalot wonders what is sore but still intact?

Still despite her soreness and addition to the English language, Elizabeth Taylor's pure tweeting (imagine using that phrase in a sentence even 5 years ago) put us in touch with her honest pain when the King of Pop passed.

I will always love Michael from the depth of my being and nothing can separate us.

Although my grief over Michael could not be any deeper, I am not on suicide watch as some of the cheaper "rags" would have you believe.

I can't imagine life without him. But I guess with God's help I'll learn.

There is no doubt in Sir Twitalot's mind that she was in deep grief.

But as a side note, it is interesting to read Liz's earlier tweets from before MJ's exited his corpus to return to Our Heavenly Music Producer.

Life without earrings is empty!

Dear Fellow Twitterers: Thank you for your opinions on my new perfume's name. VIOLET EYES won hands-down.

I think it's terrible for the California govt to retract the law on Gay Marriage after they made it legal. You can't treat people that way!

They show a constancy to Elizabeth Taylor that I believe is both admirable and endearing.
She is still a vocal opponent for gay rights, as she has been since the days of Rock Hudson and AIDS. She is still selling perfume because she knows you can never smell too good, but you can smell bad. And she still has a light hearted feminine sense of humor.

Now Sir Twitalot is certain that Liz is having her trained assistant tweet for her, because that is what assistants do, but we are still happy that Liz is tweeting. For all those years the "rags" wrote rumors and lies about her, when all she was doing behind closed mansion doors left her sore but intact, she now has a way, with her final breaths this lifetime, to speak directly with her fans about it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 18


This morning my new shower poofy felt like I was rubbing a porcupine's ass all over my body.

Sir Twitalot offers many thanks to BliNkOnEkAtEtWo
for her fine tweet today.

First off, Sir Twitalot gives props to this tweeter for mashing up her name with the name of a pop punk band. Usually puns make Sir Twitalot's ears hemorrhage and his intestines empty out, but this is a twist of lemon away from the pun, so Sir Twitalot approves.

But now, let's get to the tweet and why Sir Twitalot likes it.

Simple. It relates an experience, as many tweets do, but it is not a bland description of that experience. Too many tweets are filled with the mundane, the bland, the who-gives-a-phuck that you ate pancakes with syrup!!!

But this tweet has some metaphor, a metaphor that is not cliche' - I think because so few people have rubbed a porcupine's ass all over the body.

We can only sit in awe of BliNkOnEkAtEtWo and the fact that she has done this before and has the experience to relate it as a metaphot. Cause that is one mean loofah!

And this tweet then leads us to wonder, in what condition is her skin in now? Bleeding? Scarred?

The power of this metaphor, while not unique in books such as Exfoliating in the Wilderness is special to the Tweetness, and we appreciate it.

Finally, there is the word "poofy" which is used here as a noun and not an adjective. Sir Twitalot finds that amusing, but pauses to consider if poofy is the new "scrunchy" when that adjective became the noun for a certain type of hair tie. And Sir Twitalot has just missed that.

Anyway you rub it, hard or soft, this was our Fave Random Tweet of the day! Congrats Miss Blink 1 Katie 2!

Fave Random Tweet July 17


My favorite shoes!

Yes, readers, Sir Twitalot knows that this is first Fave Random Tweet ever that has a picture in it, versus just 140 characters, and Yes, readers, Sir Twitalot knows that is a picture of a rather attractive looking woman exhibiting her legs and shoes, but dear readers, please excuse Sir Twitalot on this one.

The first reason is because Sir Twitalot is having to take into account that a lot of people are uploading pics into their tweets now, and the Sir will have to have them be a choice now.


Marina - according to was Voted the Sexiest Geek of the Year and a Hottest Woman of the Web, Marina Orlova has degrees in Russian and English language instruction. Her popular YouTube channel has more than 170,000 subscribers.

Sir Twitalot, having Russian ancestry in his blood, as well as a fascination for etymology, definitions and erotic dialectics, appreciates Marina's large and perky lobes, yes, that's right, he likes both right AND left parts of her brain.

So he finds it amusing that her tweet has pictures of her high heels and doesn't show off her high IQ.

HOWEVER, it is not surprising we see a pic on a tweet from Marina because she does market herself as a pseudo-porn star with a phasination for philology. She is your fantasy internet Mail Order Russian Bride who came to teach you how to speak your own language better. She is the one that makes freshman realize there is a difference between "oral" and "verbal."

Here's to you Marina, for your tweet, your body AND your mind. You are the tweetheart of July 17th in our Fave Random Tweet of the day. SUCKS! It's name is Spamhole.

What is it with Spamholes and the less-than-humans that run them?

Sir Twitalot, in his goal of testing out various twitter related APIs, came upon this stinkweed and not thinking twice, decided to test it.

Sir T found it lacking for various reasons - lack of targeted followers being the main one - and so removed himself after a day or two.

And then he noticed the non-stop peppering of their spam that they use to shoot out from user after user filling the twitterverse with their constant nocturnal twitmission of ads.

Now Sir Twitalot removed their ads from his already sent updates and thought that was that, after all he had removed himself after he tested the service, but for some reason a week later, they have kept on sending their spamalot off his account.

Which leads me to think they are not playing correctly by twitter common decency rules.

So please when ever you see this crap BELOW from someone, even Sir Twitalot, reply to that person so they know the crap they are spewing.

Finally found the BEST way to get tons of followers for FREE!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Chad Ochocinco scores a Twitterdown

Chad Ochocinco, a name that implies there are at least Ochocuatro other versions of him somewhere in a cloning closet, is a football player who needs to twitter during the game.

But the NFL says no twittering.

"Damn NFL and these rules, I am going by my own set of rules, I ain't hurting nobody or getting in trouble, I am putting my foot down!!"

That's right - Don't mess with the Chad if he feels the need to tweet, in the middle of a game he is getting paid gobs of money to play. He does realize that he is making a good salary and having fun thanks to the NFL and the rules it established, doesn't he?

I know he does. And I know he doesn't like rules.

Now, PLEASE NOTE, Sir Twitalot is all for touchdown dances - even highly choreographed ones incorporating cheerleaders, ones using the touchdown pole like a stripper's pole, etc - and Chad Ochocinco is always dancing in celebration mode. That is a celebration of sports success. Let the crowd enjoy it.

Sir Twitalot disagrees with the NFL prohibition on that.

But I wonder how his teammates will enjoy his tweeting on the field when they are playing a game? If the team is supposed to be focused on their game, working together to win, isn't tweeting on your own taking you out of the game, away from the team.

I don't know, maybe Mr. 8-5 has pearls of wisdom we can't do without...

Chad's Twittering here

Here are some random tweets pulled from Chad the Ocho of Cinco's litany.
  1. i am on the 405 driving
  2. Ocho Cinco = the dreams of my have future have no room for the devastations of my past= last season!!!!
  3. where the party at? I got a deal with Ocean Spray to drink till I turn into a berry

I know his analysis of the game and his performance will be in depth and scintillating... and certainly he will be able to Direct Message various ladies he spies in the stands.

But it seems just like the NFL prohibits cell phone use by players on the field, that there is a valid reason to put the stop on tweeting.

Though on the other hand we may get some athletes in baseball and football stupid enough to tweet things like

just had my steroid shot. MLB so stupid, don't know to check for this drug.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 16


Wonders who reads my twitters besides family and one friend...Maybe I should go back to blogging :p

Sir Twitalot read your twitter today lesrais and it became his Fave Random Tweet of the day.

This is one of those tweets that answers the age-old question, if a tree tweets in the forest, does anyone hear it? And the answer is yes.

The swiftly declared existentialism, compounded with a loneliness that can only come from living in a giant desert island like that of Australia , the regrets about her leaving her blogging, the emotion packed emoticon - all these elements conspire to make lesrais' tweet like the beginning of a romance novel, perhaps between a aboriginal vampire and some melanin-poor woman lost on a walkabout with nothing but a blackberry and sports drink.

This tweet also sums up nicely the feeling that many of us get, tossing grenades into a lake of social media, but not feeling like we are connecting with anyone at the party.

Sir Twitalot can't tell you, lesrais, whether you should go back to blogging, but indeed know, that someone read this tweet today.

May the ghost of Sartre not darken your porch door!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 15


Finally tazered myself. As Colm said, it's just a pinch. A 200,000 volt pinch.

Sometimes Sir Twitalot appreciates the tweet not for the literary qualities, or the insight into the psycho-social nature of the tweeter, but just for the declarative nature of it. For when people just narrate their lives for us. Like "Just ate soup with Sally." or " Lovin' the post-coital cuddling with Nicolas..." Sir Twitalot is not the sort who feels the need to elucidate his mundane and lackluster days, but he appreciates those that do. Very OCD of you.

HOWEVER it takes something big that someone has done to make their life narrative leap up onto Fave Random Tweet status, but paddy2k done did it with his adventure in self-electrocution.

How many of you would tazer yourselves?

How many pints of Guinness would it require?

Three cheers, a Hail Mary, and a pile of Bono Bobble Head dolls to you Paddy2k!

You are Sir Twitalot's Fave Random Tweet of the day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 14


I'm like Che Guevera with bling on.

While some of Sir Twitalot's fave random tweets are long, there is another subset that are short, but have an artiness combined with a certain feisty mien that bring a delight to long boring roll of tweets that pour out in the Twitterverse.

And this one from
Anastasiab is one such tweet.

Che Guevera - iconic image of the revolutionary - now emblazoned on millions of sweatshop made T-shirts. Che Guevera, who left Argentina to help with the Cuban revolution, is not the sort of hirsute asthmatic we associate with a golden grill.

And that is why Sir Twitalot gives the tweetprops to Miss Anastasiab - the element of the mix, the mash-up, the dialectic material crunch of Che Guevara and Bling yields us a new vision for the revolutionary - one who is willing to drag their ass through the jungle to stop social injustice but will not die a fashion victim.

anastasiab assimilates the icon of class struggle while adorning herself in the glittering metals of the upper class she so wants to take down.

She is a complex conundrum, a sexy warrior poet, she knows that her image, should it ever shine from T shirts, posters and the likes, will be trademarked and copywritten, so that her martyrdom, unlike Che's, will be bringing in bank for her grandchildren.

anastasiab - you updated Old School, or as Che would have said, Escuela Vieja, in your tweet. May you lead us in the goal to overthrow the Wall Streeters who have taken it all from us, leaving us sparse pickings at the Wal Mart and 99 cents store. Ain't no bling there, we know. Only thing there are frozen waffles and keychains.

Keep up da tweet!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 13

Today's Fave Random Tweet comes from


Dagnabbit! All out of Ziploc's! I'm stick with the little drug dealer sized bags. How the eff am I supposed to fit my man sandwich into that

Sir Twitalot is very pleased with ess_cubed's fine tweetering here.

I mean, what's not to like?! He starts off with the Elmer Fuddite/Yosemite Sammish exclamation of Dagnabbit!

To use that word in our times shows an honoring of classic faux swear words, like H-E-Double Hockey Sticks and Cheese N Crackers.

Then ess_cubed moves quickly into what his near-profanity-laced single word tirade was all about.

He is out of Ziplocs, but the apostrophe he uses ziploc's shows us that he really owned, really possessed the bags he had.

But while many a lesser tweet would stop there, with an exclamation point and a post, our dear Loch Essie keeps building his tweet with his adjectival flourish - the "little drug dealer sized" bags.

While we may think, at first blush, that the Esser is twittifying about those tiny bags for bits of buds, we can't be certain. He may very well be tweetin' about actual little drug dealers. (And that uncertainty adds to the mystery.)

And then the coup de grace, the sword thrust that lays to waste the other contenders for random fave tweet of the day.

Ess_cubed's man sandwich!

What can we say.

How the eff is he supposed to fit it into anything when he is this upset?!

His man sandwich is without a plastic covering!

Is that safe?

And what kind of man sandwich is it?

Does he wield a Turkey Club?
Or does he have Italian Salami in his hand?

We can only guess and Retweet.

But we do know it's a large tasty one that he needs to wrap
and plastic before he puts it anywhere!

Good Tweetin Mr. Ess_Cubed. May you continue to rock the 140.

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It's not all hyped like some items, but Sir Twitalot is sure glad he found it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 12


saw way too many hummers on hawthorne blvd and suddenly felt the sorrow of 6.6 billion souls. i miiiight be jesus.

Well say thanks to beaxarthur today for Fave Random Tweet. Sir Twitalot did.

Why is this faved?

Well for one, it is the randomness of the event that beaxarthur is referring to - he was on Hawthorne Boulevard in the Southern Part of Los Angeles, when he randomly and suddenly was accosted by the site of many Hummers.

Too Many Hummers for him. We can only wonder what his tolerance level for Hummers is. Sir Twitalot's level is 2.

Now onto the sorrow of the souls that beaxarthur feels.
6.6 billion. Dude. That's a lot of pain. More pain than you
could fit into a Hummer, for sure.

But what about the approximately 168 million people or so at this date whose pain you are NOT feeling?!!!

They will feel a gap, an emptiness inside, because of your
lack of love, and more than likely will turn to other
things to fill it. Drugs? Sex? Constant purchasing of
high priced items? Like Hummers? Hmmmmmm.

That's why Sir Twitalot faves this tweet today friends!

Sure, beaxarthur miiiiight be Jesus.
Or he might be just a sensitive when it comes to conspicuous consumption.
It's easy to do that when in Los Angeles.
Sir Twitalot knows. He used to live there.

Maybe beaxarthut is merely Thorstein Veblen reincarnate?

Or we all might be Jesus - a little.
All of us who wonder why we need Hummers to drive.
(Though Sir Twitalot understands the need for the other kind of hummers.)

One has to wonder, What Would Jesus Drive these days? I mean if he had to cart around a dozen disciples, and needed some security, he very well might drive a Hummer.

Though maybe they would get driven around in one of these...

Beaxarthur's tweet has certainly given us a lot to think about today, hasn't it?

We commend and applaud you beaxarthur for getting this much pain, self-reflection, comic self-aggrandizement, and a good twitter name all into one fine day.

May you continue to tweet well!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 11

Most ppl don't know but I changed the carny guessing game with my birthday smelling technique.

Oh, why does Sir Twitalot love this random tweet today enough to make it his fave?

You cannot know.
Just as we cannot know what OGJoesnake's birthday smelling technique is.
But it must be potent enough to fool a carny.
And fooling a carny, ain't easy folks.

But OGJoeSnake has a technique that he shall not
share because if he did, we
believe that it would rip the
very fabric in half that holds the carny-dupe dynamic in place.

The fabric that keeps the dog inside the corn, the beard on the lady, and the large stuffed animals on the wall.

All we can do is honor OGJOESNAKE and this tweet, which is one of our faves for the midsummer.

Thank you!