But the NFL says no twittering.
"Damn NFL and these rules, I am going by my own set of rules, I ain't hurting nobody or getting in trouble, I am putting my foot down!!"
That's right - Don't mess with the Chad if he feels the need to tweet, in the middle of a game he is getting paid gobs of money to play. He does realize that he is making a good salary and having fun thanks to the NFL and the rules it established, doesn't he?
I know he does. And I know he doesn't like rules.
Now, PLEASE NOTE, Sir Twitalot is all for touchdown dances - even highly choreographed ones incorporating cheerleaders, ones using the touchdown pole like a stripper's pole, etc - and Chad Ochocinco is always dancing in celebration mode. That is a celebration of sports success. Let the crowd enjoy it.
Sir Twitalot disagrees with the NFL prohibition on that.
But I wonder how his teammates will enjoy his tweeting on the field when they are playing a game? If the team is supposed to be focused on their game, working together to win, isn't tweeting on your own taking you out of the game, away from the team.
I don't know, maybe Mr. 8-5 has pearls of wisdom we can't do without...

Chad's Twittering here
Here are some random tweets pulled from Chad the Ocho of Cinco's litany.
- i am on the 405 driving
- Ocho Cinco = the dreams of my have future have no room for the devastations of my past= last season!!!!
- where the party at? I got a deal with Ocean Spray to drink till I turn into a berry
I know his analysis of the game and his performance will be in depth and scintillating... and certainly he will be able to Direct Message various ladies he spies in the stands.
But it seems just like the NFL prohibits cell phone use by players on the field, that there is a valid reason to put the stop on tweeting.
Though on the other hand we may get some athletes in baseball and football stupid enough to tweet things like
just had my steroid shot. MLB so stupid, don't know to check for this drug.
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