Most ppl don't know but I changed the carny guessing game with my birthday smelling technique.
Oh, why does Sir Twitalot love this random tweet today enough to make it his fave?
You cannot know.
Just as we cannot know what OGJoesnake's birthday smelling technique is.
But it must be potent enough to fool a carny.
And fooling a carny, ain't easy folks.
But OGJoeSnake has a technique that he shall not
share because if he did, we
believe that it would rip the
very fabric in half that holds the carny-dupe dynamic in place.
The fabric that keeps the dog inside the corn, the beard on the lady, and the large stuffed animals on the wall.
All we can do is honor OGJOESNAKE and this tweet, which is one of our faves for the midsummer.
Thank you!
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