This morning my new shower poofy felt like I was rubbing a porcupine's ass all over my body.Sir Twitalot offers many thanks to BliNkOnEkAtEtWo
for her fine tweet today.
First off, Sir Twitalot gives props to this tweeter for mashing up her name with the name of a pop punk band. Usually puns make Sir Twitalot's ears hemorrhage and his intestines empty out, but this is a twist of lemon away from the pun, so Sir Twitalot approves.
But now, let's get to the tweet and why Sir Twitalot likes it.
Simple. It relates an experience, as many tweets do, but it is not a bland description of that experience. Too many tweets are filled with the mundane, the bland, the who-gives-a-phuck that you ate pancakes with syrup!!!
But this tweet has some metaphor, a metaphor that is not cliche' - I think because so few people have rubbed a porcupine's ass all over the body.
We can only sit in awe of BliNkOnEkAtEtWo and the fact that she has done this before and has the experience to relate it as a metaphot. Cause that is one mean loofah!
And this tweet then leads us to wonder, in what condition is her skin in now? Bleeding? Scarred?
The power of this metaphor, while not unique in books such as Exfoliating in the Wilderness is special to the Tweetness, and we appreciate it.
Finally, there is the word "poofy" which is used here as a noun and not an adjective. Sir Twitalot finds that amusing, but pauses to consider if poofy is the new "scrunchy" when that adjective became the noun for a certain type of hair tie. And Sir Twitalot has just missed that.

Anyway you rub it, hard or soft, this was our Fave Random Tweet of the day! Congrats Miss Blink 1 Katie 2!
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