saw way too many hummers on hawthorne blvd and suddenly felt the sorrow of 6.6 billion souls. i miiiight be jesus.Well say thanks to beaxarthur today for Fave Random Tweet. Sir Twitalot did.
Why is this faved?
Well for one, it is the randomness of the event that beaxarthur is referring to - he was on Hawthorne Boulevard in the Southern Part of Los Angeles, when he randomly and suddenly was accosted by the site of many Hummers.
Too Many Hummers for him. We can only wonder what his tolerance level for Hummers is. Sir Twitalot's level is 2.

Now onto the sorrow of the souls that beaxarthur feels.
6.6 billion. Dude. That's a lot of pain. More pain than you
could fit into a Hummer, for sure.
But what about the approximately 168 million people or so at this date whose pain you are NOT feeling?!!!
They will feel a gap, an emptiness inside, because of your
lack of love, and more than likely will turn to other
things to fill it. Drugs? Sex? Constant purchasing of
high priced items? Like Hummers? Hmmmmmm.
That's why Sir Twitalot faves this tweet today friends!
Sure, beaxarthur miiiiight be Jesus.
Or he might be just a sensitive when it comes to conspicuous consumption.
It's easy to do that when in Los Angeles.
Sir Twitalot knows. He used to live there.
Maybe beaxarthut is merely Thorstein Veblen reincarnate?
Or we all might be Jesus - a little.
All of us who wonder why we need Hummers to drive.
(Though Sir Twitalot understands the need for the other kind of hummers.)
One has to wonder, What Would Jesus Drive these days? I mean if he had to cart around a dozen disciples, and needed some security, he very well might drive a Hummer.
Though maybe they would get driven around in one of these...

Beaxarthur's tweet has certainly given us a lot to think about today, hasn't it?
We commend and applaud you beaxarthur for getting this much pain, self-reflection, comic self-aggrandizement, and a good twitter name all into one fine day.
May you continue to tweet well!
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