Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 24

Today's Fave Random Tweet is actually NOT a tweet from one person but
a hash tag


This trendy trending topic is being tweeted by people in da hood filling it up with descriptive images of the life that happens on in some of our "less gated" communities here in the the Dis-united States of America.

While I cannot say I have lived smackdab in da hood, I have spent my time there, in various cities - NYC and LA primarily - and worked there, so I enjoy the tweets that are posting as the tweetsfromdahood are making fun both of the ghettofab attitudes, fashions, and the ridicu-lous situations that happen due to hip-hopcrisy of residents, police, church deacons and the likes. The difference between hispanic and black hoods is also tweeted upon.

To put it bluntly, this shit is funny.
And the fact that the folks posting have a sense of humor about it just makes you laugh

I am not going to make a list of the LOL's - there are TOO MANY.

Every community in the US needs to find their shit funny.
If only I could get my middle class suburban church going neighbors here to poke fun at their minivans, lawns, basketball hoop in every driveway life style. Now that would not make them laugh.


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