Sir Twitalot, for the record, is not a pot smoker. Hasn't been for many years.
But he doesn't mind pot smokers.
They seem like nice sorts.
Certainly nicer than drunks.
Sir T has no problem with what was once called "tea" being decriminalized.
Because it is just a plant. You don't need to process it to make it into something else.
No fermentation etc.
So that leads Sir Twitalot to think it is really funny that we have classified it
as something horrible and made it illegal, etc.
Because if it just grows - and it doesn't need to be made with allergy pills like meth - it means it was probably in the garden of eden even.
And that said, certainly we need our POT TWEETS by those who like POT TREATS.
One of them that Sir Twitalot enjoys is HEMPNEWS from Canada.
Breaking news on HEMP and Medical Marijuana- the 'original' Green Economy -environmental and human friendly-over 25,000 uses incl. food, medicine, fuel, paper...
It's informative and clean and not filled with teenage diatribes about their p's and teachers.
Follow the tweets. They are the ones with the smoke coming off them.
Protected: Unexpected Sacraments
5 years ago
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