Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 26


just got done jerking off. stuck my finger in my butt for the first time while cumming. i liked it alot!!!

What can Sir Twitalot say?
This is my fave random tweet of the day because it made me laugh.
Because it breaks the narrative storytelling of the tweet similar to how Tarantino worked in his early ouevre. Showing how he arrived at his present moment by revealing the past to then propel us into the future.

We start in the present with Chuckhemry
1 - He got done jerking off.
(Sir T hopes he wiped off before he tweeted.)

2- Flashback into the past - He sticks his finger into his butt while cumming.

3- He leads us into the future. He mentions that he liked it alot. Suggesting that he will be doing it again and again. And hopefully tweeting about it.

In this manner, Chuckhemry rises above the pure pornographic, beyond the exhibitionistic diary, into a tweet that is emotional, deep, mind-expanding.

He causes us all to look at the barriers we put up in our lives, and why, and demands that we become courageous and live beyond the fear.

Sir Twitalot commends you Chuckhemry! Keep on tweeting it and loving it!

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