Mexican guy walking thru my neighborhood doesn't belong here..its not about race..its about mixing that plaid shirt w/ those plaid shorts
Sir Twitalot's fave random tweet today comes from fashion icon JustMarlon.
Actually, Sir Twitalot doesn't know if JM is a fashion icon but why Sir T faves his tweet is because 1) while it does a classic piece of tweetin' - that of the bagging on other peoples' style, or lack thereof, it also is 2) topical, given our issues with Henry Louis Gates Jr, the policeman, and the President and the media blathering about it. JustMarlon does this by making sure to eliminate the racial undertones or overtones.
JustMarlon's note... between ellipses... that it is not about race is the striped tie over those ooogly plaids!

Sir Twitalot wonders if it had been a Scottish Guy in a kilt, the natural skin tone and personality built for plaids, if JustMarlon would've tweeted the same thing.

Sir Twitalot wonders if JustMarlon lives in a highly fashionable anti-plaid neighborhood, and that is why the plaid non-matcher does not belong there.
We don't know, but we do know that JustMarlon is sensitive to poor dressing, no matter what race or religion, so he is fash-ist, not a racist, just like Sir Twitalot is sensitive to poor tweeting, making me a tweetist.
And that is why we commend JustMarlon for his tweet! What's next for JustMarlon? We think a new cable show - "What Not to Wear... in my neighborhood!"'re hilarious man