Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 8


i hate weeds ! thanks alot Adam and Eve

Sometimes Sir Twitalot finds a fave random tweet written by someone with thousands of followers, sometimes he lucks out with a guy like idahojimmy who has a handful of people with whom he shares his tweets.

Sir Twitalot loves James from Idaho's above tweet because of the roundabout religious connection between the weeds in his garden to Adam and Eve and how they messed up the Garden of Eden.

That is a helluva logical leap, but why it works perfectly in a Tweet is because IdahoJimmy only has 140 characters to work with, and so he can take that leap and make it work.

The exclamation point makes it happen as well. Exasperation ! Then blame - why not go for the original sinners?

Idahojimmy - darn good tweet, dude!

The only thing Sir Twitalot questions is - did not God create weeds too? I would think they would be in the Garden of Eden as well.

Or is Sir Twitalot just living in his own Private Idaho?

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