Twitter Culture and Reviews, and of course the Fave Random Tweet of the Day

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fave Random Tweet July 15


Finally tazered myself. As Colm said, it's just a pinch. A 200,000 volt pinch.

Sometimes Sir Twitalot appreciates the tweet not for the literary qualities, or the insight into the psycho-social nature of the tweeter, but just for the declarative nature of it. For when people just narrate their lives for us. Like "Just ate soup with Sally." or " Lovin' the post-coital cuddling with Nicolas..." Sir Twitalot is not the sort who feels the need to elucidate his mundane and lackluster days, but he appreciates those that do. Very OCD of you.

HOWEVER it takes something big that someone has done to make their life narrative leap up onto Fave Random Tweet status, but paddy2k done did it with his adventure in self-electrocution.

How many of you would tazer yourselves?

How many pints of Guinness would it require?

Three cheers, a Hail Mary, and a pile of Bono Bobble Head dolls to you Paddy2k!

You are Sir Twitalot's Fave Random Tweet of the day!

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