Dagnabbit! All out of Ziploc's! I'm stick with the little drug dealer sized bags. How the eff am I supposed to fit my man sandwich into thatSir Twitalot is very pleased with ess_cubed's fine tweetering here.
I mean, what's not to like?! He starts off with the Elmer Fuddite/Yosemite Sammish exclamation of Dagnabbit!
To use that word in our times shows an honoring of classic faux swear words, like H-E-Double Hockey Sticks and Cheese N Crackers.
Then ess_cubed moves quickly into what his near-profanity-laced single word tirade was all about.
He is out of Ziplocs, but the apostrophe he uses ziploc's shows us that he really owned, really possessed the bags he had.
But while many a lesser tweet would stop there, with an exclamation point and a post, our dear Loch Essie keeps building his tweet with his adjectival flourish - the "little drug dealer sized" bags.
While we may think, at first blush, that the Esser is twittifying about those tiny bags for bits of buds, we can't be certain. He may very well be tweetin' about actual little drug dealers. (And that uncertainty adds to the mystery.)
Ess_cubed's man sandwich!
What can we say.
How the eff is he supposed to fit it into anything when he is this upset?!
His man sandwich is without a plastic covering!
Is that safe?
And what kind of man sandwich is it?
Does he wield a Turkey Club?
Or does he have Italian Salami in his hand?
We can only guess and Retweet.
But we do know it's a large tasty one that he needs to wrap
and plastic before he puts it anywhere!
Good Tweetin Mr. Ess_Cubed. May you continue to rock the 140.
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